Social Services Resources

Domestic Violence Awareness Resources

Finding a Therapist
Finding A Therapist Near You Can Be A Challenge. You Are Not Alone. Where to begin.

How to Create a Comforting Home Atmosphere for Survivors of Abuse
For a victim of abuse to leave their current situation, they must have a safe place to go.

Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Engage all people in a movement to change the social and political systems that perpetuate violence.

Recovering from Rape and Sexual Trauma
ou can regain your sense of control, rebuild your self-worth, and learn to heal.

State & Federal Domestic Violence Laws
Violence Against Women Act, Family Violence Prevention & Services Act, State Laws Protecting Abuse Survivors, Calling Police, Criminal Penalties, etc.

Ways in Which Abuse and Domestic Violence Changes You
Although you will come out victorious, you will not come out the same. Abuse changes you.

What Keeps Us from Talking about Sexual Abuse
Addressing the factors that prevent us from talking about sexual abuse.

Emergency Services

Crisis Intervention Services
Sexual Assault / Violent Crime Hotline: 800.270.1620
Emergency Housing Hotline: 844.673.5499

Shelters for men & women

Southern Prairie Chapter of the American Red Cross

Family Crisis Center
24 Hour Crisis Line
641.683.3122 or 800.464.8340

Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Human Trafficking
If you or someone you know may be involved in trafficking, call the toll-free National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888, text the hotline at 233733, or talk online using the link above.

Your Life Iowa
In a crisis, call or text 988

For non-crisis situations,
Call (855) 581-8111 or
Text (855) 895-8398

Energy Services

Alliant Home Energy Assessments
Energy assessments for home, farm or business.


Fairfield Ministerial Association
Christian clergy of the Fairfield, Iowa area associating to support each other and to serve our community.

Beth Shalom Fairfield
Bringing together the Jewish community in Fairfield.

Sri Devi Mandir
Hindu temple in Fairfield.

Food Resources

“Come to Supper”
Free Hot Meals every Tuesday.
6:00 to 7:00 PM
First Lutheran Church
201 West Briggs
Contact: Pastor Greg Friedrich, 641.472.4184

Golden Magnolia Sanctuary

Soup Kitchen
Vegan Dinners
Thur – Sat, 5:30 – 8:00

Lord’s Cupboard Food Bank
Jefferson County’s Emergency Food Pantry

Jefferson County Circles of Support
Free dinner/gathering every 2nd Thursday.
5:30 PM
Four Square Gospel Church
1700 South Main St.

Human Services

Department of Human Services
Assistance for children & families, adults and seniors

Grants for Native Americans
Native american grants that could help low income individuals and families.

Iowa Department of Human Rights
orking to reduce cultural, social, and economic barriers to opportunities for Iowans to succeed. Know your civil rights.

Sieda Community Action

  • Energy Assistance
  • Family support services
  • Child development
  • Housing stabilization
  • Mental health services

La Leche League
Helping to develop and deepen the close relationship between a mother and her child.

FB-f-Logo__blue_29 Raising Fairfield Parents Group
A page for parents to network and help each other.

Grants for Women in Iowa
Information on government grants, private organization grants, charities grants, and help from churches

Single Mothers Grants
Directory of single mother grants that help with rent, utility bills, child care, education, medication, housing, medical bills, and mortgage, among others.

Help for the Homeless
(see Veterans Resources for Veteran specific)

National Alliance for Caregiving
The National Alliance for Caregiving partners with other caregiving associations and groups to provide additional resources to help family caregivers address and cope with the challenges of caring for a loved one.

Young Professionals
Organization for ages 21 – 40 focused on cultivating community awareness and providing professional, social, volunteer networking opportunities to members. Monthly events.

Learn about the everyday challenges of entering college as a child of single or divorced parents and discover what resources are available to help you achieve school success.

Mental Health Services

Providing accessible quality holistic mental health services to individuals, groups, couples, and families in Iowa and the Chicagoland area.
The top mental health challenges facing students

Optimae LifeServices
Optimae LifeServices, Inc. provides health care and human services for individuals with disabilities and mental illness.

Information on diagnoses, treatment options and where to go for mental health support.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Fact sheets for mental health, related conditions and treatment & services.

Senior Support

Assisted Living Research Institute
Providing information to help with decisions that need to be made by seniors, caregivers, influencers, and leaders in the senior care industry.

About Assisted Living
Assisted Living Facilities offer many different housing options for seniors who want to live autonomously, but still require a little extra help to fully enjoy life.

Fairfield Cares
Community Aging in Place — Home-based intervention to increase mobility, functionality, and capacity to “age in place” for older adults.

Fairfield Community Center
Contact the Fairfield Senior Center regarding discounted meals, Bingo, card games and other events.

Gerontology & Long-Term Care
Helping Seniors Find Health & Wellness.

Grants for Seniors
Financial Help
Health Care
Help with Rent
Housing Assistance
Clothing Assistance
Transportation Assistance
Daily Life and so on

Milestones Home
Milestones is the “go to place” for up-to-date, local aging and disability information.

Nursing Home Abuse
Helping the countless nursing home residents who have suffered abuse and neglect.

RSVP – Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
A United Way volunteer program for individuals aged 55 and older.

Substance Abuse Programs

Addiction Treatment
Sieda Behavioral Health & Treatment Services offering Medication Assisted Treatment for Addiction

Alcohol Awareness Council
A wealth of alcohol-related resources, support groups, and help lines for those struggling with alcoholism.
Alcohol Addiction
Dedicated to helping people overcome alcoholism and achieve long-term sobriety.


Narcotics Anonymous
Locations, days and times

Substance Abuse & Addiction in the Elderly
Common substances older adults abuse, and the treatment options.

Alcoholics Anonymous
Locations, days and times

3:47 Video
“Helping Enhance Recovery Treatments Through the Use of Transcendental Meditation®”

Veterans Resources

Veterans Affairs Commission
Assistance for veterans and their dependents

Offering understanding and support to service members and their families before, during, and after deployments.

Homeless Veterans
Connecting homeless and at-risk Veterans with housing solutions, health care, community employment services and other required support.

Home Base Iowa
Jefferson County veterans resources

Veterans and Addiction
Many men and women who are serving or have served in the United States military struggle with addiction.

Grants for Veterans in Iowa
Free detailed information on grants for Iowa veterans. (For grants in other states, go to the Home page after clicking the Grants link)

Transcendental Meditation® for Veterans
Scientifically validated technique to help heal the effects of military-related stress.
© 2017 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All rights reserved. TM® is a protected trademark and is used in the United States under license or with permission.